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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Well, now that you mention it...

We're so glad to have the time to write. CXI is inching ever closer to getting things taken care of for the copyright registration of the music and artwork. In the title post, we state that CXI is a Christian entertainment music ministry. Well, now that you mention it (even though no one did), we never talked about how this happened. One day (when we finally get around to it that is) we'll have to take the time to timeline just how CXI even got to this point. For now TG (lead singer/song writer, arranger, producer, sound designer, engineer...) can fill you in on what got us here. Now this is in no way meant to serve as a template or even a tutorial of how to start a record label, this is just how it's going for us. God doesn't make every journey the same, on the Christian path.

TG: Hello Everybody. I've been asked to give a brief (key word brief) account of how the group came about. The story behind the name CXI will be in an interview on the CD itself. The following is an account of what happened before and after the naming of the group.
God placed the desire of creating music in me at an early age, but it always felt like there was never a balancing amount of talent to go with it, LOL. "Why Lord," I ask, "do I still have such trouble memorizing the Circle of Fifths and reading the bass clef of sheet music?" Music learning hardships notwithstanding, I was told I had an ear for being on key, and near perfect pitch; my piano playing style somewhere between practiced chord progressions and creative guesswork. Growing up I wrote mostly R&B love songs and Cool Jazz Radio tunes from Junior High to Junior College. At this time, as I grew stronger in understanding God's word and studying it more and more, I felt God clearly draw me in the spirit and I kinda gave this calling to do Christian music a Moses type conversation filled with excuses. The Spirit said:

"OK, that's enough playtime, don't you want to write something more meaningful?"

TG: "Lord I want to, but Lord, I don't know how to write Christian music."

"Great, I just need you to be a willing vessel. I'll teach you what you need to know along the way."

TG: "I guess, but I don't know what words to put with it, I'm not good at memorizing scripture and I know it's just gonna sound funny, I write jazzy, R&B stuff (as if God didn't know)"

"Fantastic, who say's jazz can't praise my name and don't worry, I'll put my WORD in you. I'll let you write all kinds of music, but those who listen should know why you write. I made you sensitive to the suffering of others for a reason. There is something you can do about it with your music and your heart, both spiritually and financially. You always noted how kids seem to remember the words of a song, having listened to it only once or twice, but that after six months of studying American History, they still can't remember when the War of 1812 was fought; this is a great way to hide my WORD in their hearts.

TG:"I've got a lot of sin and dark areas I haven't work out yet inside, I can't be clean enough to be the one you want to do this thing?

"And you'll never be clean enough, that's what Jesus did for you, but you do have to have a penitent heart. Now go, you're writing for me now. Start by trying to put the 23rd Psalm into modern music, ...and I'll meet you there.
Well, that's not verbatim how my spirit felt inside, but I think you get the general idea. I'm outta time, so I'll tell you about what happen after that moment of truth in the next blog.

In His Service,